Blog categorized as Emissions Trading Scheme

Insuring Carbon Credits Explained

By Sage Partners

Following changes in legislation the insuring of carbon credits has become more complex. Our view.
17.11.22 03:57 PM - Comment(s)

Thoughts for 2020

By Sage Partners

Regardless of whether you believe in climate change or not, this isn't really the issue. Common sense says we simply cannot continue to keep using the world as we have done, depleting it of resources, destroying habitats & killing off species faster than Trump re applies fake tan. The question i...

17.11.22 03:54 PM - Comment(s)

The world gears up to fight global warming ... Enter the Dragon.!... China and Asia-Pacific Carbon Markets

By Sage Partners

Recent weeks saw a hectic intellectual dynamism for carbon markets in the climate community. The 46th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice convening in Bonn, Germany from May 8 to 18 featured intense discussions on the market provisions of the Paris Agreement, ...

12.12.17 10:07 AM - Comment(s)

Saving the world, one Co2 at a time

By Sage Partners

In isolation, the following could be construed as the rantings of a frustrated ex-civil servant who is sitting at home and is bitterly seeking recognition of something he's been banging on about for 30yrs. 

Problem is, even for those of us without a Phd in Biochemistry, we all know something isn...

08.03.17 04:14 PM - Comment(s)