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Sage Partners
  • We don't deal in the ordinary

Sage Partners

At Sage Partners we don't deal in the ordinary, we don't have ordinary clients, and we don't offer ordinary insurance solutions. We work with our clients to apply our skills for their benefit, including creating & delivering bespoke insurance solutions. The specialist wholesale insurance products that we developed are distributed through selected brokers, forestry consultants and freight forwarders. Like yours, our time is too valuable to waste, hence we are only
in business to:

  • Work with businesses & individuals of a like-mind
  • Deliver the world's best outcome to clients by acting with a vested interest in their business
  • To challenge tradition and not accept what has been done before as the template for the future.

With the focus as a Lloyd's coverholder and wholesale provider to industry, Sage Partners was created as a place of business for those seeking quality outcomes & creating lasting relationships.

Political Risk - Change of Legislation Insurance

In order to strengthen the financial value of a client's business, we spent months crafting a world-first political-risk insurance policy with specialist insurers at Lloyd's. These policies insure against the [NZ Government's] repeal of an Act of legislation, on which our client has a pecuniary interest in the Acts continued existence.

This is not your typical insurance solution, which is why we were involved. If you do need advice and assistance for such bespoke solutions, contact us, or ask your trusted insurance adviser to get in touch so we can help create the right solution for you.

Sage Partners are a Coverholder of Lloyd's for the ForestCover and CropCover Insurance Solutions. For more information, click on the logos above. 

Today's most relevant precis of things to come... 'Don't deal in the ordinary'.

Sage Partners is a Registered Financial Services Provider. Participant reference FSP740751. We also have a license as granted by the Financial Markets Authority NTF200707025 and are members of the Ombudsman Scheme 5005523

A copy of our financial advisor disclosure can be requested by contacting us by phoning +64 9 950 4902

Sage Partners is also member of the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) scheme.

Email: or downloaded from the button below

Lloyd's is a member of the Insurance Council of NZ and its New Zealand coverholders adhere to the Fair Insurance Code, which provides you with assurance that we have high standards of service to our customers.